
Vídeo: ¿Cómo funciona la industria musical?

Jon Lajoie, humorista canadiense, parodia a distintos estilos musicales -pop, rap y canción de radio- en los siguientes vídeos con versos como: "Girl, I'm a sexually attractive man, that makes me a good artist", "I am just a regular everyday normal guy... When I go to the clubs I wait in line, Mother Fucka" o "It starts off like a thousand other songs that you've heard before. Except in this one they do a little do do-do do do dodoo".

Jon Lajoie: POP SONG

Especial mención a "And now the token rap verse, that doesn't make any sense but helps to get a small percentage of the urban music market" y a "Now I'm singing with my gay voice to let you know that I'm sensitive".

Si quieres ver los otros vídeos sigue leyendo...


A destacar: "I am just a regular everyday normal guy... I get nervous in social situations Mother Fucka" y "If you wanna mess with me I think you probably can because I am not confident and I am weak for a man. I'll just roll up in a ball while you kick me in the back, yeah, honestly I probably wont fight back. And I don't have many friends that would back me up".


Quizás ésta sea la más floja de las tres canciones, pero tiene un buen inicio y alguna que otra perla como "I'm not homophobic but this song is so fucking gay".

1 comentario:

  1. Lo fuerte es q funciona así! todo el mundo a comprar los discos de ot y estos como locos
